Aero Engine and Space
Engine Parts Supplier / Engine Maintenance

IHI is the leading company of jet engines in Japan with a 60-70% share of the market. IHI is the primary contractor and manufacturer for the aircraft engines used by the Ministry of Defence, and participates in international collaborative projects that develop and supply various market segments, from super large to small engines for civilian aircraft. Utilizing these engineering and manufacturing technologies, IHI has acquired high reputation with its engine maintenance centre in Asian markets. In the course of expanding strong demand for eco-friendly engines and its corporate responsibility, IHI is now carrying out R&D on various next generation engines based on the most advanced technologies.
Currently, the Aero Engine Maintenance division is also undertaking shop maintenance of commercial engines such as the CF34, V2500, GE90. And PW1100G-JM (GTF Engine) is planned in the near future.
High-bypass Ratio Turbofan Engines for Civil Aircraft

V2500 Turbofan Engine
This medium-size engine was developed in an international collaborative project involving Japan, U.S.A., U.K. and Germany, and has been installed on aircraft with 120 to 180 passenger seats such as the Airbus A319, A320, A321. For this best-selling engine with over 5,000 orders to date, IHI supplies fan modules and low-pressure shafts, and also focuses its efforts on maintenance work.
A321 (© Airbus)

GEnx Turbofan Engine from GE
Installed on Boeing’s next-generation 787 and 747-8 aircraft, the GEnx engine features class-leading environmental performances, fuel efficiency, and reduced operational cost. IHI is participating in the GEnx engine program as a risk and revenue sharing partner. IHI has responsibility for the design, manufacture and assembly of about 13% of the engine, which primarily include the rotating members of the low pressure turbine, the aft part of the high pressure compressor airfoils, and fan mid-shaft.
GEnx is a trademark of GE

GE90 Turbofan Engine
This is an engine with the world’s largest engine thrust installed in Boeing 777s. The largest model of this series has a diameter of over 3 m. This engine was jointly developed by a manufacturer group consisting of General Electric (GE) U.S.A. and IHI.

CF34 Turbofan Engine
This is a small-size engine for the world’s regional jet planes with seating capacity of about 70 to 100. This engine was jointly developed and being produced by a manufacturer group consisting of General Electric (GE) U.S.A. and IHI.

Trent Turbofan Engine
IHI supplies mainly the shaft and low/medium-pressure turbine parts for this large-scale engine primarily developed by British company, Rolls-Royce.

PW1100G – JM Turbo Fan Engine
This engine is jointly developed and produced by US company, Pratt & Whitney, German company, MTU and the Japanese Aero Engines Corporation. PW1100G-JM is adopted on the medium-size Airbus A320 neo. This engine adopts a geared turbo fan system and IHI is in charge of the development of composite material fan parts.
Low-bypass Ratio Turbofan Engines for the Ministry of Defense

F110 Turbofan Engine
This engine powers the F-2 support fighter, which was jointly developed by the United States and Japan. IHI has conducted mass production as the prime contractor through a license with General Electric (GE) of U.S.A.

F3 Turbofan Engine
This compact turbofan engine mounted on a T-4 training jet plane was developed using Japanese original technology. This engine is the second mass-produced engine following the J3.
High-bypass Ratio Turbofan Engines for the Ministry of Defense

F7-10 Turbofan Engine
F7-10 is a high-bypass ratio engine, powers the P-1 patrol aircraft.
It is a totally new engine that was developed by Japanese Defense Ministry.
And IHI has conducted mass production as the prime contractor.
Turboshaft Engines for Multipurpose Helicopters

T700 Turboshaft Engine
This engine powers the Ministry of Defense anti-submarine, rescue, and multi-purpose helicopters. It is turning the rotors by converting the jet blast to rotative power. IHI also has conducted mass production through a license with General Electric (GE) of U.S.A.
Aero Engine Maintenance

Aero Engine Maintenance
IHI provides maintenance service for V2500 engine, CF34 engine and their components. For further information, please go to the website.

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