Industrial Systems and General Purpose Machinery
Material Handling/Logistics
IHI has a century of history in material-handling equipment, varying from unloaders for port operations to jib and overhead travelling cranes for various industries. With sophisticated technologies, IHI engages in the manufacturing, maintenance and modifications of such machines. IHI’s line-up varies from under one to a few thousand tonnes, ensuring customers can enjoy a rich product range. IHI is also Japan’s leading manufacturer of deck cranes and other material-handling equipment on vessels.
Bulk Handling
Ship Unloading

Continuous Ship Unloader

Belt Type Continuous Ship Unloaders

Bridge Type Unloaders

Pneumatic Unloaders
Ship Loadings

Ship Loaders

Gantry Cranes For Steel Mill Products
Material Yard Operation & Storage




Belt Conveyors

Goliath Cranes

Floating Cranes

Jib Cranes
Container Handling

Quayside Container Cranes

Tyre Mounted Jib Cranes

Positive Rail Brake

Jib Climbing Cranes

Tower Cranes
Electrical Overhead Cranes

Double-rail Hoist Lifting Electrical Overhead Cranes

Mon-rail Hoist Lifting Electrical Overhead Cranes

Suspension Hoist Lifting Electrical Overhead Cranes

Hoist Lifting Bridge Cranes

Hoist Lifting Wall Cranes

Light Crab Trolley Overhead Cranes

Crab Trolley Electrical Overhead Cranes

Crab Trolley Bridge Cranes